New Classic Scottish Novel, Lanark: A Life in Four Books

Christian Toth currently serves as an account supervisor at Verso Advertising, Inc., (previously Bennett Book Advertising, Inc.) in New York, where he works with publishing companies such as Vintage/Anchor and W.W. Norton. He also works as a voice-over artist through Broken Chord / Daniel Baker Sound Design, also in New York. In his leisure time, Christian Toth enjoys reading books such as Lanark: A Life in Four Books, by Alasdair Gray.

Originally published more than three decades ago, Alasdair Gray’s first novel, Lanark: A Life in Four Books, quickly became one of the most significant Scottish works in the latter half of the 20th century. The author took 25 years, writing off and on to create this work, which includes both autobiographical and science-fiction elements, and draws inspiration from the city of Glasgow, Scotland.

Set in a world where people have diseases symbolic of their inner state, Lanark: A Life in Four Books, focuses on the character Lanark, who begins to suffer from the disease known as dragonhide, and the young artist Duncan Thaw. The two parallel stories combine to present a message of human beings’ continued struggle to love, despite failures.